This is the NFL on Tarot - Week Two

As we reported last week, the card picks for Week Two were a little eccentric. The Wheel of Fortune or the Fool showed up twice each in the first four picks - never against each other. Fortune won once and the Fool both times. Fortune won again in another contest where Death was the opposing card.

We find it interesting that one cannot make any rules about the relationship between two major arcana cards. In one instance one is stronger; in another instance, the other. We haven't made any effort to find more information about any of the teams.

 Overall, we appear to be holding our own in the pool, which comprises about 25 teams.

Week Three

The tone appears to be "Strength" - the card showed up in three of the first four picks. Later on the Magician made an appearance in three of the contests. Last week we looked for a summary of the NFL week to see if our premise of "unusual events and upsets" held true. Couldn't find one, though.