Puny mayhem

Some kind of arctic blast blew through here at around 8:00 p.m. “What’s going on outside the window ?” Alana asks.

“How do I know ? I’m in the kitchen,” I respond.

Wander over to the door on to the lanai and now I see what she means. Visibility zero. It looks like a snow blower - I’ve never seen weather like this in my life. Reminds me of the winter storm scene from “March of the Penguins."

After midnight now and the temperature has dropped to -8C, heading for a low of -13C overnight, and the puny amount of snow that got deposited early in the evening has turned the neighboring apartment complex into the Ice Capades.

Seriously, there is a Montgomery County fire truck that cannot get up the little hill that always gives our neighbors trouble when it hasn’t been salted. This is a really little hill, honestly - maybe a 5 degree incline. But when it’s covered with ice it might as well be Mount Everest.

This is the way the whole season has been - occasional freak storms that create havoc out of ridiculous metrics - this is less than an inch of snow but it’s brought traffic accidents and mayhem.

I can’t imagine what it must be like in Boston.

No power outage so far, thank goodness, despite the 60 mph winds which just keep coming.

One more shot of Aquavit, I think, before I call it a night.