Moonwobble Heads-Up

Just a reminder that we are heading into another Moonwobble cycle. This one will culminate on 29-30-31 December 2019. There will be an annular solar eclipse a few days before.

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One important note : This cycle coincides with an approaching conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (22 deg. 47 min.), which will be exact on January 12, 2020. We have been building to this for at least a year and we should expect to see events working toward a crisis during this moonwobble cycle and beyond.

What this means for you personally depends on where Capricorn falls in your horoscope. People with Sun in Capricorn or Cancer and, to a lesser degree, Aries and Libra will be very aware of the energy.

More detail to come - for the moment forewarned is forearmed as they say. Be aware of the tensions that show up in your muscles, emotions running close the surface, short fuse - it differs for everyone. The more you can see your own frustrations the more you can defuse situations that threaten to escalate unnecessarily.