The January-February 2018 Moonwobble Report: New Moon in Capricorn

By William and Alana Fennie

This post is coming a few weeks too late to be useful for this cycle, but we believe the overview and journal prompts may still be helpful.

From William:

The peak of this cycle is 3-4-5 February, and the effects were being felt even during the second week of January, which is not unusual.

New Moon chart for 16-17 January 2018 - click to enlarge

The conjunction of the Sun with the South Node at 14 degrees of Aquarius on those dates portends an experience of the worst side of ideological approaches to problem solving in the political sphere. The New Moon chart (see illustration) for January 16-17 provides the context for interpreting this MW cycle, and it is heavily weighted with Cardinal Earth - in the form of six planets in Capricorn.

I confess that when I saw this configuration for the first time the negotiations on the latest U.S. federal government budget resolution were in full stride, and the image that came to my mind was "pigs at a trough." All those ambitious Capricornian interests in there slogging away to get what they want.

That's a bit specious, especially since the Virgo ascendant for DC suggests that the Washington crowd is actually working very hard and possibly taking the opportunity to iron out their more troublesome vexations.

Sextiles to Neptune and to a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio indicate creative imagination as well as an abundance of willfulness at play. But play also shows up in the fifth-house placements of four of the six planets in Capricorn: Pluto, Sun, Moon, and Venus. The game is on and the players are doing what they do best.

Uranus, now five degrees away from its square with Pluto, still brings instability and flamboyance to the party. Its closer square to the new moon conjunction suggests a volatile ride, especially as regards issues of personal security, and as we approach the peak we should expect to see strident pronouncements at odds with an unexpected desire for accommodation.

The offer by Senate republicans to link six years of CHiP funding to a four-week continuing resolution, for example, seems very much in the spirit of this Venus-influenced new moon, and it's an open question whether Senate democrats' decision to push for DACA concessions represented a wise choice.

As we publish this the prospect of second government shut-down is looming.

Alana has some exercises to help with identifying the relevant issues for you, personally.

Aloha. . . .

Exploring Moonwobble Energy: Journal Prompts

Because the nodes of the Moon do not change sign quickly, a Moonwobble Cycle will often share the same nodal access as its previous cycle. This phenomenon may make it seem that during a Moonwobble Cycle issues and patterns you thought you completed or “dealt with” already seem to resurface. You’ll often find some twists, though, as the New Moon which initiates the current Moonwobble Cycle will likely be in a different sign, often bringing with it a new polarity, elemental and modality. The New Moon offers context and context is everything.

Let’s examine what that means with the current cycle, since its nodal axis recalls the very noteworthy July – August Moonwobble Cycle from 2017 – noteworthy because that cycle included the “Great America” Eclipse of August 2017. Patterns that began in those cycles (Moonwobble and Eclipse) are being further worked on with new energies. 

In both our current Moonwobble Cycle and that of July – August 2017, the Moon’s Nodes fall across the Leo-Aquarius axis, with the North Node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius. The New Moon in July-August was in Leo, a yang or masculine, fiery, fixed sign. In the current cycle, however, the New Moon is in Capricorn, a yin or feminine, earth, cardinal sign.  

It’s likely that in July-August – especially in anticipation of the “Great American” eclipse – you may have been inspired (a very fiery feeling) to review your approach to the world or your identity in that world. In an outgoing, extroverted sign, Moon in Leo may have nudged you to think of ways to present yourself or express yourself in some external way, possibly in art, social media posts, writing, or even in how you groom yourself or do presentations at work. Likely, this energy focused on expressing a self you already claim as yours, rather than encouraging you to change or think deeply about your identity.

Whatever new ways you dreamed up to present or express yourself this summer are likely now clamoring for more structure. What is your plan for implementing a sustained creative practice? How might your output or your self-expression move beyond the personal to help lead the changes you would like to see in the world? Now is the ideal time to organize your ideas into reality!

One final note before some simple exercises to help you strategize. Giving an influx of energy to the Nodes and the New Moon is a Jupiter-Mars conjunction in Scorpio, which is square to the Nodes and sextile to the New Moon. This aspect suggests plenty of stamina and courage to connect with others on a deep, visceral level, a place where their aspirations lie. To make the most of this opportunity, be sure that you check that your actions are in tune with however you conceive of the Divine. While this is always good advice, it’s especially important in this cycle where you might be so focused on expressing your creativity, you could lose sight that your expressions have a real effect on others.

Consider any of the following reflective exercises as a way to connect with the energetics of this Moonwobble cycle. 

We recommend keeping your insights private until this Moonwobble cycle is over, since one of the lessons of the fire Trine here is to consider when, with whom, how, and how much we share of private self and creativity with the outside world.

1. You Meeting the World

Spend a day (or week if you’re really feeling the energy) observing how people react to your expressions of creativity, whether in person or through social media. 

You get to decide how to define what creative expressions mean: how you run a business meeting; how you plan your family’s schedule; poetry, Instagram posts – your imagination is the limit. You may want to focus on just one or two people or sets of people:  your family or your followers; a boss or a parent. 

Consider what the creative expression was; what was the emotion or inspiration behind it; and what the reactions were. 

What patterns do you observe? Does it seem like your creative intentions are having the affects you’d like? If not, consider sharing the exercise with a close friend or counselor to discuss the results. It may simply be that your creative expressions don’t fit into other’s expectations. If that is the case, how can you gently explain to them your intentions? How will you process feedback? 

2. Inspiration and Structure

Take 30 minutes or so to reflect back on July-August 2017. What ideas came to you during that period that you haven’t yet developed? Why haven’t you developed them? Make a list of all the reasons you haven’t done anything yet – and then burn the list!

On a fresh sheet of paper, brainstorm what needs to happen to make the idea a reality. You might put your idea in the center of page and then, around the idea, list all the implementation steps from the mental – maybe a change in attitude – to the concrete.

Pick one step and schedule ways into your calendar to implement it. Next month pick another step and so on. You’ll want to evaluate your progress at the next New Moon and the next Moonwobble cycle.