The Translation Card

In the process of doing a reading for the week we came up with the three-card spread to the left.

This is, to us, one of the most straightforward spreads we've ever seen. There is a transition indicated between one condition and another - clearly a movement away from anxiety and toward freedom in matters relating to everyday life.

However, what stands out to us is that card in the center. This is the action card - that which is being suggested as the appropriate action or attitude to take. We saw this card as indicating a vigilant and well-prepared state of mind. Being swords it has to do with mentality - in this case mental alertness and preparedness.

I have dubbed this "the Translation card", because it represents quite clearly the translator's attitude about those things which present themselves as challenges or what we call "sense testimony".*

No matter your practice, this card is a great representation of a mind free of distractions, completely engaged, and supported by reliable allies from the instinctual side of life.


*Translation is a practice taught by The Prosperos in which apparent externals are brought into one's consciousness and "translated" into the essential beingness which is their only reality.

Images from the fabulous Shadowscapes tarot deck by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law